We revisited our roots and along with lots of new research done by our scientists and input from you, we relaunched our laundry range. Without deviating from our core of sustainability, we saw a shift to embracing power and efficiency, through constant innovation and discovery.
We reached our production capacity (thank you!) and needed a new factory to make sure we could continue to grow. We chose Boulogne-sur-Mer, France as the perfect home for this. As we had the benefit of learning from our experiences building the Belgian factory, this one was built state of the art. Our doors are always open for visitors!
It’s about time… when Time Magazine picked us and our CEO as Eco Pioneers for their Hero of the Environment issue. We were part of a group of 30 Heroes who continue to change the world! For a closer look visit Time.com. Less is more. Ecover launches a new refill box to replace the containers previously used as part of its refill system. Less waste (39% decrease in plastics!), a compact size and easy to recycle and much easier to handle when you’re cleaning the house.
We launched a new range of Hard Surface Cleaners with our revolutionary Eco Surfactants, developed by our very own scientists. These tiny molecules make cleaning products work, giving them their power and doing all the hard work for you. And even though we always use plant based ingredients, we made a real breakthrough in developing these tough little workers, using a completely natural fermentation process to bring us even closer to nature. And above all, tests show that they clean as well as conventional cleaners!